Monday 7 July 2014

protecting Facebook profile from hackers


Hi friends,

Today i am going to explain how to protect our social networking profiles from Hackers,

Now a Days hacking is a simple thing even non technical persons are hacking social networking profiles & also help of some online hacking portals,they work done easily,

Todays Vision,

How to Protect Yourself ( Simple steps )
  • Don't click on links through email. If an email tells you to login to Facebook through a link, be wary. First check the URL (Here's a great guide on what to look out for). If you're still doubtful, go directly to the main website and login the way you usually do.
  • Phishing isn't only done through email. It can be any link on any website / chat room / text message / etc. Even ads that pop up can be malicious. Don't click on any sketchy looking links that ask for your information.
  • Use anti-virus & web security software, like Norton or McAfee.  
  • See below more Facebook Privacy Settings                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

 Stealing Cookies

Cookies allow a website to store information on a user's hard drive and later retrieve it. These cookies contain important information used to track a session that a hacker can sniff out and steal if they are on the same Wi-Fi network as the victim. They don't actually get the login passwords, but they can still access the victim's account by cloning the cookies, tricking Facebook into thinking the hacker's browser is already authenticated.

Firesheep is a Firefox add-on that sniffs web traffic on an open Wi-Fi connection. It collects the cookies and stores them in a tab on the side of the browser.
From there, the hacker can click on the saved cookies and access the victim's account, as long as the victim is still logged in. Once the victim logs out, it is impossible for the hacker to access the account.

How to Protect Yourself
  • On Facebook, go to your Account Settings and check under Security. Make sure Secure Browsing is enabled. Firesheep can't sniff out cookies over encrypted connections like HTTPS, so try to steer away from HTTP.
  • Full time SSL. Use Firefox add-ons such as HTTPS-Everywhere or Force-TLS.
  • Log off a website when you're done. Firesheep can't stay logged in to your account if you log off.
  • Use only trustworthy Wi-Fi networks. A hacker can be sitting across from you at Starbucks and looking through your email without you knowing it.
  • Use a VPN. These protect against any sidejacking from the same WiFi network, no matter what website you're on as all your network traffic will be encrypted all the way to your VPN provider.

Protecting Yourself: Less Is More

Social networking websites are great ways to stay connected with old friends and meet new people. Creating an event, sending a birthday greeting and telling your parents you love them are all a couple of clicks away.
Facebook isn't something you need to steer away from, but you do need to be aware of your surroundings and make smart decisions about what you put up on your profile. The less information you give out on Facebook for everyone to see, the more difficult you make it for hackers.

If your Facebook account ever gets hacked, check out our guide on getting your hacked Facebook account back for information on restoring your account.

Bonus: If you're interested in who's checking you out, there are some ways you can (kind of) track who's viewed your Facebook profile.

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